Monday, 10th March 2025 | 11:31 pm

Sixth International Traffic Safety Forum and Exhibition

Sixth International Traffic Safety Forum and Exhibition

Sixth International Traffic Safety Forum and Exhibition

Sixth International Traffic Safety Forum and Exhibition

20th -22nd Jumada I 1445 (4th -6th December 2023)

Organized by the Saudi Society for Traffic Safety (SALAMAH) in collaboration with the Imam Abdul Rahman bin Faisal University, Saudi Aramco, Traffic Safety Committee in the Eastern Province


The United Nations report indicates that the number of road accident deaths exceeds 3,500 people per day around the world. It is likely that if practical and more comprehensive measures are not taken, the number of deaths and injuries will increase dramatically. Therefore, one of the initiatives of the National Transformation Program 2020 in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is based on reducing the number of deaths and injuries resulting from road accidents by 50%, and the Saudi Vision 2030 adopted additional measures to ensure traffic safety , reduce road accidents and their effects. Therefore, the concerned authorities, such as the Ministry of Interior, Transport, regional municipalities and education, have prepared strategic goals related to Saudi Vision 2030, most notably reducing transport accident rates, reducing accident mortality and the severe injuries.

Surface transportation seems to be on the cusp of a new era of smart mobility.The increasing popularity of  smart cities and recent developments in sensing, edge computing and vehicle technologies and the availability of “big data” combined with sophisticated AI techniques offer an opportunity to substantially advance and fundamentally transform the transportation and road safety profession.

AI and Big data apply modern technologies on vehicles, highways, and road networks for traffic surveillance, data collection, control, and modeling of traffic movements in real-time and in forecasts aiming to reduce congestion, fatalities, injuries due to traffic accidents, and crashes detection or prediction. In addition AI and Big data helps in the discovery of contributing factors to crashes, driving behavior analysis, crash hotspot identification, optimizing transportation infrastructure utilization,  reducing the cost of transportation, diagnosing and remedying the problems, which the traditional safety analytics cannot solve, and enhancing overall safety of the system.   

And based on the Saudi Society for Traffic Safety  participat in the activation of initiatives to improve the elements of traffic safety and the transport system, and working side by side with all traffic authorities to enhance road safety, and work to reduce the number of deaths, injuries and disabilities resulting from traffic accidents, the following title was chosen:

  Forum Title:

Artificial Intelligence and Big data for Transportation and Traffic Safety



• To identify Artificial Intelligence and Big data in traffic safety which are proven successful in international experiments.

• To develop channels for transferring the implementation of Artificial Intelligence and Big data technologies related to traffic safety to Saudi Arabia.

• To identify recent advances in Artificial Intelligence and Big data technologies and their compatibility with the objectives and elements of traffic safety.

• To develop regulations relevant to the application and deployment of Artificial Intelligence and Big data to enhance traffic safety.  

• To identify Artificial Intelligence and Big data technologies for the management of all modes of transportation, traffic accidents, and to improve and expedite the emergency response



Sub-Themes (related to road traffic)

1          Role of AI Analytics In Mitigating Road Accidents

2          AI tools for disruptive road safety initiatives

3          Use of Big data in Real-time Road Safety Evaluation and Optimization

4          Automated Road Safety Evaluation using AI Techniques

5          AI tools for Vulnerable road users’ safety Assessment

6          Emerging AI Technologies for Driver Assistance Systems

7          AI Applications for Real-time Optimization of Traffic Control

8          AI Applications in Adaptive and optimized Emergency Vehicle Management

9          Traffic Congestion Prediction Using Artificial Intelligence

10        Advances in Smart Vehicle Technology

11        Safety implications of autonomous vehicles

12        Safety assessment and analysis of electric vehicles

13        AI Applications in  advanced public transportation operations and safety



Sub-Themes (related to rail traffic)

1          Intelligent Monitoring System for Rail Track Safety

2          Risk Assessment of Railway Accidents Using AI and Big Data

3          Artificial Intelligence for Improving Rail-road crossing Safety

4          Automated Rail Inspection Using AI

5          Intelligent Train and Advanced Safety Technology

6          Roadmap for AI Integration in the Rail Sector

7          Advanced and Smart E-ticketing methods at train stations

8          AI for autonomous driving and control rail

9          Application of AI for freight movement in rail transit

10        AI for passenger flow estimation at train stations

Sub-Themes (related to maritime Logistics)

1          Artificial Intelligence and Big Data for Operations and Safety of the maritime industry

2          Emerging opportunities and challenges of maritime logistics

3          AI and automated shipping logistics

Sub-Themes (related to air transport)

1          AI and Big Data Analytics For Air Transportation

2          Recent Innovations of AI in the Aviation Industry

3          AI for flight management and autonomous taxi, take-off, and landing