Monday, 10th March 2025 | 11:34 pm

An awareness campaign for the safety of children inside the vehicle was launched in the Kingdom

An awareness campaign for the safety of children inside the vehicle was launched in the Kingdom

An awareness campaign for the safety of children inside the vehicle was launched in the Kingdom

Under the patronage of His Royal Highness Prince Abdullah bin Bandar bin Abdulaziz, Minister of the National Guard, the awareness campaign for the safety of children inside the vehicle is launched under the slogan "Chair first" and will continue for 10 days in conjunction with the activities of the International Children's Day.

This campaign, organized by the National Family Safety Program of the Health Services Department of the Ministry of National Guard, is an affirmation of preserving the safety of children inside the vehicle and raising awareness of the importance of using a child seat, as it increases the reduction of child injuries in the event of accidents, and reduces the risk of harm.

14 governmental and civil bodies are participating in the campaign at the level of the Kingdom, as the awareness plan included launching various messages for various segments to raise the importance of using the chair inside the vehicle and the benefits it brings to the safety of the child, as well as the risks resulting from this, which causes the child to have serious problems as a result of accidents and collisions, as Children's bodies do not bear the force resulting from accidents, which causes them chronic disabilities - God forbid -.

The campaign initiates the distribution of 500 free seats to motorists in various regions as a symbolic sign of the importance of this behavior that protects the child - after God’s will.

The committee supervising the campaign stated that a number of virtual meetings will be held remotely, hosting a number of experts and specialists in all aspects of knowledge, science, health and social development, in addition to traffic aspects and traffic safety provisions and regulations.

The campaign starts from November 20 until the 30 of the same month, when all participating parties will perform the roles required of them according to the awareness plan by publishing on social media, as the supervising committee prepared a number of films, drawings and designs with a unified identity.

This campaign comes within the awareness activities of the family safety program, which aims to protect the family, as part of specialized preventive programs to raise the rehabilitation and efficiency of traffic safety for children inside the vehicle.

The campaign aims to contribute to raising awareness among parents and the community about the safety of children inside the vehicle and to provide an opportunity for workers in specialties related to children, to contribute to the protection of children and their safety from accidents and build partnerships between governmental and civil institutions and international organizations, in order to enhance the safety of the child inside the vehicle and encourage thought Alami to raise the level of performance in the field of protecting children from accidents and contribute to the development of standards and legislation to preserve the safety of the child.